Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
King's College London
Viswanathan Venkataraman
Email: viswanathan.venkataraman@kcl.ac.uk or viswanathan.venkataraman87@gmail.com
Twitter Handle: @ViswanathanVe11
Colonial Infrastructures and the Politics of Engineering: Sanitation Systems in
Madras City, 1866-1940
My work intends to look at the career of urban sanitary infrastructures in India in the early
half of the 20th century. The focus will be on the agendas and agents that worked to
shape these infrastructures in the city of Madras in South India. Through this work, it seeks
to engage with and contribute to historiographies of technology, the urban environment
and urban governance in India.
1st Supervisor: Prof. David Edgerton
2nd Supervisor: Prof. Jon Wilson
I am an engineer turned history researcher with interests in the social, political and economic history of technology in the modern world. My PhD work focuses on the shaping of urban sanitary infrastructure in early 20th century India. Prior to the switch to academic research, I worked in the Indian electricity sector for a few years and I also hold a degree in science policy studies. My approach to history is influenced by contemporary problems and I try to use historical analysis to understand the rationale behind and consequences of past decisions, particularly in the sphere of urban infrastructures.
Public Engagement:
'The 1918 'Spanish' Flu Pandemic in India and Eerie Similarities to Covid-19 in 2020' for Newsclick.in.
Papers Given:
July 2020: 'An 'Elephant's Gestation': Rebuilding Madras City's Water Infrastructure 1904-1919' at the Annual joint meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science( 4S) and the European Association of Study of Science and Technology ( EASST) held virtually.
Grants, Awards, and Prizes:
MA Science, Medicine & Technology in History Prize – for the highest cumulative score in the MA program.